Mother's Day

Mother's Day Carnation Bouquet

Early birds catch the flowers! Book your Mother's Day bouquet before 3rd May, and enjoy an exclusive 8% discountUse promo code i-love-mom at checkout to unlock your savings.

Happy Mother's Day! Express your love and care to the most wondeful woman in the world...Dearest Mom ! De Anthus Florist Offer Beautiful Mother's Day Flower Bouquet Promotion, Order Now ! 

*During this peak season, flower delivery within Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya only available in limited trips. please order early to reserve your carnations and delivery service.
* De Anthus Florist does not commit any specific delivery time request during this peak Season. Delivery time frame for offices start from 9am-6pm & home wil be from 10am-8pm.

Total Record(s) : 15