Payment Method

To enhance your online shopping experience, we offer various online payment methods, from credit card, Internet banking to e-wallet, make online payments easier, safer, and more secure.

Fiuu (formerly Razer Merchant Services)

Fiuu accept complete methods of payment such as credit/debit cards, domestic banking and e-wallet.

  • Visa and MasterCard
  • Malaysia Online Banking, FPX
  • Touch ‘n Go eWallet, DuitNow QR, Boost, GrabPay, MAE by Maybank2u
  • ALIPAY, UnionPay, WeChat Pay, etc.

Note : Fiuu only accept 3DS transaction for credit card processing. For first time online purchase or non-3DS enrolled cardholder, please call issuing bank or check on card issuing bank website to request to process online purchase or enroll for 3D-secure(3DS).

Step-by-step guide Pay online with Fiuu


The safer & easier way for overseas customer to pay online – Securely accept all major credit & debit cards on the strength of the PayPal network, you can pay online with or without PayPal account.

Onsite Payment

Suitable for walk-in and offline ordering customers who prefer make instant, cashless payment with credit cards or scan & pay.

  • Visa, MasterCard, Debit Card
  • Touch n Go e-Wallet
  • MAE by Maybank2U
  • DuitNow QR