Graduation Bouquet

Celebrate your graduate’s achievement with a beautiful graduation bouquet. These bouquet features a mix of fresh and vibrant flowers, such as roses, lilies, carnations and daisies, in the colors of your graduate’s favorited theme. The bouquet also comes with a personalized card and a graduation bear to add some extra flair. Whether you want to surprise your graduate at home, at the ceremony or at the party, these graduation bouquet is the perfect way to show your pride and support. Order yours today and make this milestone memorable.

Showing all 8 results

  • Sunflower Graduation Bouquet-GRB-03

    Sunflower Graduation Bouquet GRB-03

    • Sunflower, Statice, Foliage
    • Convo Bear

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Ferrero Rocher Chocolate Graduation Bouquet-GRB-12

    Ferrero Rocher Chocolate Graduation Bouquet GRB-12

    • 20 pcs Ferrero Rocher Chocolate
    • 4″Graduation Convo Bear

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Rose Graduation Bouquet-GRB-11

    Rose Graduation Bouquet GRB-11

    • Rose, Statice, Berry, Foliage
    • Graduation Convo Bear

    All prices are not applicable for delivery during Valentine Season 1st – 15th February. For flower bouquet ordering between valentine season, please refer to our Valentine Bouquet Series

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Hello Kitty Graduation Bouquet-GRB-09

    Hello Kitty Graduation Bouquet GRB-09

    • 5″ Convo Kitty and 4.3″ Kitty
    • Lily & Foliage

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Rose Graduation Bouquet-GRB-04

    Rose Graduation Bouquet GRB-04

    • Rose, Statice
    • Graduation Convo Bear

    All prices are not applicable for delivery during Valentine Season 1st – 15th February. For flower bouquet ordering between valentine season, please refer to our Valentine Bouquet Series

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

    Buy nowLoading Done This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Gerbera Graduation Bouquet-GRB-10

    Gerbera Graduation Bouquet GRB-10

    • Gerbera, Statice, Foliages
    • Graduation Convo Bear

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Flower & Chocolate Graduation Bouquet-GRB-01

    Flower & Chocolate Graduation Bouquet GRB-01

    • Gerbera, Ferrero Rocher Chocolate
    • Graduation Convo Bear
    • As Shown : Premium (24pcs Chocolate)

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

    Buy nowLoading Done This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Mix Flower Graduation Bouquet-GRB-02

    Mix Flower Graduation Bouquet GRB-02

    • Lily, Fruit Casa, Gerberas, Button Pom, Rose, Foliage
    • Graduation Convo Bear

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.