Mothers Day Bouquet

Mother’s day is a special occasion to celebrate and honor the women who raised us. What better way to show your appreciation than with a beautiful flower bouquet from De Anthus? We have a variety of arrangements to suit every taste and budget, from roses to lilies and carnations. Whether you want to express your gratitude, love, or admiration, we have the perfect bouquet for you. Order online today! Don’t miss this opportunity to make your mom smile with a stunning flower bouquet from De Anthus.

Showing all 15 results

  • Sale! Mothers Day Carnation Bouquet MDB-13

    Mother’s Day Carnation Bouquet MDB-13

    Original price was: RM168.Current price is: RM160.

    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Carnation, Baby’s Breath, Peacock and Foliages

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-02

    Mother’s Day Carnation and Rose Bouquet MDB-02


    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Carnation, Rose, Baby’s Breath, Foliages

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-10

    Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-10

    • Rose, Carnation Spray, Eucalyptus, Baby’s Breath and Foliage

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-12

    母亲节花束, 玫瑰花束, 康乃馨花束 母亲节花蓝 MDB-12


    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Carnation, Eustoma, Baby’s Breath and Foliage

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-11

    Mother’s Day Carnation Bouquet MDB-11


    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Carnation, Peacock, Baby’s Breath and Foliage
    • As Shown: 6 Red Carnations

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

    Buy nowLoading Done This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Mothers Day Flower Basket MDB-07

    Mother’s Day Flower Basket MDB-07


    Floral Composition :

    • Carnations, Carnation Spray, Baby’s Breath
    • Eucalyptus and Foliage
    • Imported Basket

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-08

    Mother’s Day Flower Bouquet MDB-08


    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Rose, Lily, Gerbera, Statice, Baby’s Breath and Foliage

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-14

    Mother’s Day Carnation Bouquet MDB-14


    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Carnation, Carnation Spray, Baby’s Breath and Foliage
    • Decorative Ribbon

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-15

    Mother’s Day Carnation Bouquet MDB-15


    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Carnation, Baby’s Breath
    • Chrysanthemum, Eucalyptus and Foliage

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-09

    Mother’s Day Flower Bouquet MDB-09


    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Carnation or Rose, Baby’s Breath, Caspia and Foliage
    • Imported Flower Bag
    • Decorative Ribbon

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

    Buy nowLoading Done This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
  • Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-06

    Mother’s Day Carnation Bouquet MDB-06


    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Carnations, Baby’s breath, Peacock & Foliage
    • As Shown: 6 Red Carnations

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-01

    Mother’s Day Carnation Bouquet MDB-01


    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Carnation, Ping Pong, Baby’s Breath, Peacock, Foliage

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Mother’s Day Sunflower Bouquet MDB-03


    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Sunflower, Baby’s Breath & Foliages

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-04

    Mother’s Day Flower Bouquet MDB-04


    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Carnation, Baby’s Breath, Peacock, Statice & Foliage
    • As Shown : 6 Stalks of Carnation

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

  • Mothers Day Flower Bouquet MDB-05

    Mother’s Day Flower Bouquet MDB-05


    Express your love to the most wonderful woman in the world, Happy Mother’s day!

    • Carnation, Carnation Spray, Eucalyptus, Peacock and Foliage

    De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.