Rose Bouquet EHB-41


This product is unavailable during the Valentine season from February 1st to 15th. For flower bouquet orders during this period, please refer to the Valentine Bouquet Series

Elegant hand wraps fresh flower bouquet with stylish wrappers & ribbon, a beautiful floral gift for your loved ones

  • Roses, Statice, Peacock & Foliage
  • As Shown: 12 Red & Pink Roses

De Anthus Florist reserves the right to replace any item in the arrangement with another of higher or equivalent value depending on availability.

Message Card

  • Visa Card
  • MasterCard
  • PayPal

Red & Pink Rose Bouquet EHB-41 Red & Pink Rose Bouquet EHB-41


Pink, Red, Red and Pink

Standard Delivery
Same day arrival (9am – 6pm) if ordered before 12pm (GMT+8). Order placed after 12pm will be delivered on next business day.

Late Delivery
Same day arrival (6pm-9pm) if ordered before 3pm (GMT+8). Order placed after 3pm will be delivered on next business day.

Self Pickup
Pickup at our store.

*Same-day flower delivery service covers the entire Selangor state, Petaling Jaya, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya federal territories, from postcode 40000 to 68100.